RESEARCH is the key to improving healthcare for girls and women with TS.  Medical visits and decisions are a reality for individuals living with TS. In order to make informed decisions, we need to have good information.   Our community must take responsibility for providing data and research participants.  

Understand, participate, and fund research for a better future. 

UNDERSTAND RESEARCH: Stay educated on the latest TS information. Make sure your doctors have read the updated professional care guidelines.  Familiarize yourself with the family version of the guidelines.  Find these documents at under RESOURCES/PROFESSIONAL. 

PARTICIPATE in RESEARCH:  Always look for opportunities to participate in TS research – many studies are made specifically to learn more about TS in young girls.  Everything we know about TS and health today, we know because someone before us participated in research.  Let’s ensure that we continue to build the knowledge base about TS for future generations.

FUND RESEARCH:   The reality is that research takes money.  Turner syndrome research has not been a national priority and is not funded by government grants.  Families must be willing to fund research with donations.  If you are interested in making a donation to directly support TSGA’s work to increase research, click HERE.